6-8 “‘God says:

“‘Egypt’s allies will fall
    and her proud strength will collapse—
From Migdol in the north to Syene in the south,
    a great slaughter in Egypt!
    Decree of God, the Master.
Egypt, most desolate of the desolate,
    her cities wasted beyond wasting,
Will realize that I am God
    when I burn her down
    and her helpers are knocked flat.

“‘When that happens, I’ll send out messengers by ship to sound the alarm among the easygoing Ethiopians. They’ll be terrorized. Egypt’s doomed! Judgment’s coming!

10-12 “‘God, the Master, says:

“‘I’ll put a stop to Egypt’s arrogance.
    I’ll use Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to do it.
He and his army, the most brutal of nations,
    shall be used to destroy the country.
They’ll brandish their swords
    and fill Egypt with corpses.
I’ll dry up the Nile
    and sell off the land to a bunch of crooks.
I’ll hire outsiders to come in
    and waste the country, strip it clean.
    I, God, have said so.

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