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32 "And we are preaching to you the Besuras HaGeulah of the Havtachah made to Avoteinu, [YESHAYAH 40:9; 52:7]

33 "That Hashem has fulfilled this havtachah for us, their banim, having made to stand up alive again Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, as also in the Tehillim it has been written, BENI ATAH, ANI HAYOM YELIDETICHA ("You are My son; today I have become your father"). [TEHILLIM 2:7]

34 "And that He made him to stand up alive again from the Mesim, no longer to return to decay, thus he has said, ‘I will give you CHASEDEI DOVID HANE’EMANIM. [YESHAYAH 55:3 TARGUM HASHIVIM]

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