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Jesus Is Arrested(A)

18 When Jesus finished ·praying [L saying these things], he went with his ·followers [disciples] across the Kidron Valley [C a deep wadi or ravine separating Jerusalem on the east from the Mount of Olives]. On the other side there was a garden [or grove; C Gethsemane; Matt. 26:36; Mark 14:32], and Jesus and his ·followers [disciples] went into it.

Judas knew where this place was, because Jesus met there often with his ·followers [disciples]. Judas was the one who ·turned against [betrayed] Jesus. So Judas came there with a group of soldiers [C Roman] and some guards [C Jewish temple police] from the ·leading [T chief] priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns, and weapons.

Knowing everything that would happen to him, Jesus went out and asked, “Who is it you are looking for?”

They answered him, “Jesus ·from Nazareth [L the Nazarene].”

“·I am he [L I am; C this may be an allusion to God’s (Yahweh’s) self identification as “I AM” in Ex. 3:14 or to God’s repeated claim that “I am he” throughout Is. 40—55; see John 8:24, 28, 58],” Jesus said. (Judas, the one who ·turned against [betrayed] Jesus, was standing there with them.) When Jesus said, “·I am he [L I am; see 18:5],” they moved back and fell to the ground.

Jesus asked them again, “Who is it you are looking for?”

They said, “Jesus ·of Nazareth [L the Nazarene].”

“I told you that I am he [see 18:5],” Jesus ·said [answered]. “So if you are looking for me, let the others go.” This happened so that the words Jesus said before would ·come true [L be fulfilled]: “I have not lost any of the ones you gave me [6:39; 17:12].”

10 [L Then] Simon Peter, who had a sword, pulled it out and struck the ·servant [slave; bond-servant] of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. (The ·servant’s [slave’s; bond-servant’s] name was Malchus.) 11 Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back [L into its sheath]. Shouldn’t I drink the cup the Father gave me?” [C The prophets spoke of a cup of judgment; by dying on the cross Jesus drinks it on our behalf; Jer. 25:15–29.]

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Jesus Prays Alone(A)

36 Then Jesus went with his ·followers [disciples] to a place called Gethsemane. He said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” 37 He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with him, and he began to be very ·sad [sorrowful] and ·troubled [anguished; distressed]. 38 He said to them, “My ·heart [soul] is ·full of sorrow [overwhelmed with grief], to the point of death. Stay here and ·watch [stay awake; be alert] with me.”

39 After walking a little farther away from them, Jesus fell [with his face] to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, ·do not give me [L let pass from me] this ·cup of suffering [L cup; C suffering is metaphorically portrayed as something bitter to drink]. But do ·what you want [your will], not ·what I want [my will].” 40 Then Jesus went back to his ·followers [disciples] and found them asleep. He said to Peter, “You men could not ·stay awake [watch] with me for one hour? 41 ·Stay awake [Keep watch] and pray for strength ·against temptation [or not to fail the test]. The spirit ·wants to do what is right [is willing], but ·the body [or human nature; T the flesh] is weak.”

42 Then Jesus went away a second time and prayed, “My Father, if it is not possible for ·this painful thing [L this thing; C the cup of suffering; v. 39] to be taken from me, and if I must ·do [drink] it, ·I pray that what you want [L may your] will be done.”

43 Then he went back to his ·followers [disciples], and again he found them asleep, because their eyes were heavy. 44 So Jesus left them and went away and prayed a third time, saying the same thing.

45 Then Jesus went back to his ·followers [disciples] and said, “·Are you still sleeping and resting? [or Go ahead, sleep and have your rest!] The time has come for the Son of Man to be ·handed over to [L betrayed/delivered into the hands of] sinful people. 46 Get up, we must go. Look, here comes ·the man who has turned against me [my betrayer].”

Jesus Is Arrested(B)

47 While Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of ·the twelve apostles [the Twelve], came up. With him were many people carrying swords and clubs who had been sent from the ·leading [T chief] priests and the Jewish elders of the people. 48 Judas had planned to give them a ·signal [sign], saying, “The man I kiss is ·Jesus [the one]. ·Arrest [Seize] him.” 49 At once Judas went to Jesus and said, “Greetings, ·Teacher [L Rabbi]!” and kissed him.

50 Jesus answered, “Friend, do what you came to do.”

Then the people came and grabbed Jesus and arrested him. 51 ·When that happened [L And look/T behold], one of ·Jesus’ followers [L those with Jesus] reached for his sword and pulled it out. He struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.

52 Jesus said to the man, “Put your sword back in its place. [L For] All who ·use swords [L take the sword] will ·be killed with swords [L die/perish by the sword]. 53 ·Surely [L Don’t…?] you know I could ask my Father, and he would give me more than twelve ·armies [legions] of angels. 54 But ·it must happen this way to bring about what the Scriptures say [L how, then, could the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?].”

55 Then Jesus said to the crowd, “You came to get me with swords and clubs as if I were a ·criminal [revolutionary; rebel; L robber; C the term “robber” was used by the Romans of insurrectionists]. Every day I sat in the Temple teaching, and you did not arrest me there. 56 But all these things have happened ·so that it will come about as the prophets wrote [L to fulfill the writings/scriptures of the prophets].” Then all of Jesus’ ·followers [disciples] ·left [deserted] him and ·ran away [fled].

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Jesus Prays Alone(A)

32 Jesus and his ·followers [disciples] went to a place called Gethsemane. He said to them, “Sit here while I pray.” 33 Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him, and he began to be very ·sad [distressed] and ·troubled [anguished]. 34 He said to them, “My ·heart [soul] is ·full of sorrow [overwhelmed with grief], to the point of death. Stay here and ·watch [stay awake; be alert].”

35 After walking a little farther away from them, Jesus fell [with his face] to the ground and prayed that, if possible, ·he would not have this time of suffering [L the hour might pass him by]. 36 He prayed, “Abba [C Aramaic for “father”], Father! You can do all things. ·Take away this cup of suffering [L Take this cup from me; C suffering is metaphorically portrayed as something bitter to drink; see 10:38]. But do ·what you want [your will], not ·what I want [my will].”

37 Then Jesus went back to his ·followers [disciples] and found them asleep. He said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn’t you ·stay awake [watch] with me for one hour? 38 ·Stay awake [Keep watch] and pray for strength ·against temptation [or not to fail the test]. The spirit ·wants to do what is right [is willing], but ·the body [human nature; T the flesh] is weak.”

39 Again Jesus went away and prayed the same thing. 40 Then he went back to his ·followers [disciples], and again he found them asleep, because their eyes were very heavy. And they did not know what to say to him.

41 After Jesus prayed a third time, he went back to his ·followers [disciples] and said to them, “·Are you still sleeping and resting? [or Go ahead, sleep and have your rest!] ·That’s enough [It’s all over; The account is settled; C the meaning of this phrase is uncertain]. The time has come for the Son of Man to be ·handed over to [L betrayed/delivered into the hands of] sinful people. 42 Get up, we must go. Look, here comes ·the man who has turned against me [my betrayer].”

Jesus Is Arrested(B)

43 At once, while Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of ·the twelve apostles [the Twelve], came up. With him were many people carrying swords and clubs who had been sent from the ·leading [T chief] priests, the ·teachers of the law [scribes], and the Jewish elders.

44 ·Judas [L The betrayer] had planned a signal for them, saying, “The man I kiss is Jesus. ·Arrest [Seize] him and guard him while you lead him away.” 45 So Judas went straight to Jesus and said, “·Teacher [L Rabbi]!” and kissed him. 46 Then the people grabbed Jesus and arrested him. 47 One of ·his followers [L those] standing nearby pulled out his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.

48 Then Jesus said, “You came to get me with swords and clubs as if I were a ·criminal [revolutionary; rebel; L robber; C the term “robber” was used by the Romans of insurrectionists]. 49 Every day I was with you teaching in the Temple, and you did not arrest me there. But all these things have happened to ·make the Scriptures come true [fulfill the Scriptures].” 50 Then ·all of Jesus’ followers [L everyone] ·left [deserted] him and ·ran away [fled].

51 A young man [C perhaps the author Mark himself], wearing only a linen ·cloth [sheet; shirt], was following Jesus, and the people also grabbed him. 52 But the cloth [sheet; shirt] he was wearing came off, and he ran away naked.

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Jesus Prays Alone(A)

39 Jesus left the city and went to the Mount of Olives, as he often did, and his ·followers [disciples] ·went with [followed] him. 40 When he reached the place, he said to them, “Pray for strength ·against temptation [or not to fail the test].”

41 Then Jesus went about a stone’s throw away from them. He kneeled down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take away this ·cup of suffering [L cup; C suffering or punishment is metaphorically portrayed as something bitter to drink]. But do ·what you want [L your will], not ·what I want [L my will].” 43 Then an angel from heaven appeared to him to strengthen him. 44 Being ·full of pain [in agony/anguish], Jesus prayed even harder. His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45 When he ·finished praying [L rose from prayer], he went to his ·followers [disciples] and found them asleep ·because of their sadness [exhausted from grief]. 46 Jesus said to them, “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray ·for strength against temptation [that you won’t give in to temptation; or that you won’t be tempted/tested].”

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