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Solomon’s Song of Songs [C the best of songs and a song composed of many songs].

The Woman Speaks to the Man She Loves

Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth,
    because your love is better than wine [C makes one light-headed].
The ·smell [scent] of your ·perfume [cologne; L oil] is ·pleasant [wonderful],
    and your ·name [reputation] is pleasant like ·expensive [or poured out] ·perfume [cologne; L oil].
    That’s why the young women love you.
·Take me with [L Draw me after] you; let’s run together.
    The king takes me into his ·rooms [bedroom; inner chamber].

Friends Speak to the Man

We will rejoice and be happy with you;
    we praise your love more than wine [v. 2].
With good reason, the young women love you.

The Woman Speaks

I’m dark ·but [or and] ·lovely [beautiful; C she was out in the sun because her brothers forced her to work the fields; v. 6],
    ·women [L daughters] of Jerusalem [C her friends whom she is instructing about love],
    dark like the tents of Kedar [C desert nomads; Gen. 25:13; Jer. 49:28–29],
    like the curtains of ·Solomon [or Salma; C south Arabian desert nomads].
Don’t look at how ·dark [swarthy] I am,
    ·at how dark the sun has made me [L because the sun scorched me].
My ·brothers [L mother’s sons] were angry with me
    and made me ·tend [or guard] the vineyards,
    so I haven’t ·tended [or guarded] my own ·vineyard [C referring to her body]!
Tell me, you whom I love,
    where do you ·feed your sheep [graze]?
    Where do you let them ·rest [lie down] at noon?
Why should I look for you near your friend’s sheep,
    like a woman who wears a veil [C like a prostitute going tent to tent; Gen. 38:14–15]?

The Man Speaks to the Woman

You are the most beautiful of women.
    Surely you know to follow the tracks of the sheep
and feed your young goats
    near the shepherds’ tents.
My darling, you are like a mare
    among the ·king’s [L Pharaoh’s] stallions [C driving them crazy with desire].
10 Your cheeks are beautiful ·with ornaments [L between earrings],
    and your neck with ·jewels [a necklace].
11 We will make for you gold earrings
    with silver ·hooks [studs].

The Woman Speaks

12 The smell of my ·perfume [nard] spreads out
    to the king on his couch.
13 My lover is like a ·bag [sachet] of myrrh
    that ·lies all night [lodges] between my breasts [C intimately].
14 My lover is like a ·bunch [cluster] of ·flowers [L henna blossoms; C pleasant smelling and used to dye hair red]
    from the vineyards at En Gedi [C a romantic location with a waterfall near the Dead Sea].

The Man Speaks

15 My darling, you are beautiful!
    Oh, you are beautiful,
and your eyes are like doves [C perhaps fluttering or a reference to softness and beauty].

The Woman Answers the Man

16 You are so handsome, my lover,
    and so ·pleasant [or lovely]!
    Our bed is ·the grass [green].
17 Cedar trees form ·our roof [L the boards of our house];
    our ·ceiling [rafters] is made of juniper wood [C they find intimacy outdoors].

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