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Kukhazikitsidwa kwa Paska

12 Yehova anayankhula kwa Mose ndi Aaroni mʼdziko la Igupto kuti, “Mwezi uno uzikhala mwezi wanu woyamba wa chaka. Muliwuze khamu lonse la Israeli kuti pa tsiku la khumi la mwezi uno, munthu aliyense asankhire banja lake mwana wankhosa mmodzi. Banja lililonse litenge mwana wankhosa mmodzi. Ngati banja lili lochepa moti silingathe kudya nyama yonse ya nkhosa, ligawane ndi banja lomwe layandikana nalo nyumba. Mabanja adziwiretu chiwerengero cha anthu amene alipo pokonzekera zimenezi. Muwerengere kuchuluka kwa nyama imene anthu adzadye potengera mmene munthu mmodzi angadyere. Ziweto zimene musankhe ziyenera kukhala zazimuna za chaka chimodzi, zopanda chilema, ndipo zikhale nkhosa kapena mbuzi. Muzisunge mpaka tsiku la khumi ndi chinayi la mwezi, pamene gulu lonse la Aisraeli lidzaphe nyamazo madzulo. Ndipo adzatengeko magazi anyamazo ndi kuwaza pa mphuthu ziwiri za chitseko ndiponso pamwamba pa chitseko cha nyumba mmene adzadyeremo ana ankhosawo. Adzawotche nyamayo ndi kudya usiku womwewo, ndipo adzayidye ndi buledi wophikidwa popanda yisiti pamodzi ndi masamba wowawa. Musadzadye yayiwisi kapena yophika, koma mudzawotche yonse, mutu, miyendo ndi zamʼmimba. 10 Musadzasiye nyama ina mpaka mmawa, ngati ina idzatsala mpaka mmawa, mudzayitenthe. 11 Muzidzadya nyamayo mutavala chotere, pokonzekera ulendo: mudzazimangirire lamba mʼchiwuno, nsapato zanu kuphazi ndi ndodo yanu kumanja. Mudzadye mofulumira. Imeneyi ndi Paska ya Yehova.

12 “Usiku umenewo Ine ndidzadutsa mʼdziko la Igupto ndipo ndidzapha chilichonse choyamba kubadwa kuyambira mwana wa munthu aliyense mpaka ana aziweto. Ndidzalanganso milungu yonse ya Igupto. Ine ndine Yehova. 13 Magazi amene mudzawaze pa mphuthu za zitseko ndi pamwamba pa zitseko aja adzakhala ngati chizindikiro. Ine ndikadzaona magaziwo ndidzakudutsani, ndipo ndikadzamakantha anthu a Igupto, mliri wosakazawu sudzakukhudzani.

14 “Ili ndi tsiku la chikumbutso. Tsiku limeneli muzidzachita chikondwerero, kupembedza Yehova. Mibado yonse imene ikubwera izidzakumbukira tsiku limeneli ngati lamulo lamuyaya ndi kuti pa tsikuli azidzachita chikondwerero cholemekeza Yehova. 15 Kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri muzidya buledi wopanda yisiti. Tsiku loyamba muzichotsa yisiti mʼnyumba zanu, ngati aliyense adzadya kanthu kalikonse kali ndi yisiti kuyambira tsiku loyamba mpaka tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri, munthu ameneyo adzayenera kuchotsedwa mʼgulu la Israeli. 16 Pa tsiku loyamba muzichita msonkhano wopatulika, ndipo winanso uzikhala pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri. Musamagwire ntchito masiku onsewa, koma ntchito yokonza chakudya yokha kuti aliyense adye. Izi ndi zimene muzichita.

17 “Muzichita chikondwerero cha buledi wopanda yisiti, chifukwa ndi pa tsiku limeneli ndinatulutsa magulu anu mʼdziko la Igupto. Muzikondwerera tsiku limeneli pa mibado yonse ngati lamulo lamuyaya. 18 Mwezi woyamba muzidzadya buledi wopanda yisiti kuyambira madzulo tsiku la 14 la mweziwo mpaka tsiku la 21 mwezi womwewo. 19 Yisiti asamapezeka mʼnyumba zanu kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri. Ndipo aliyense amene adya chakudya chimene muli yisiti, munthu ameneyo ayenera kuchotsedwa mʼgulu la Aisraeli, kaya iyeyo ndi mlendo kapena mbadwa. 20 Musadye chilichonse chokhala ndi yisiti. Kulikonse kumene mukukhala, muyenera kudya buledi wopanda yisiti.”

21 Ndipo Mose anasonkhanitsa akuluakulu onse a Israeli nati, “Pitani msanga kukasankha nkhosa zokwanira pa mabanja anu, ndipo muziphe ngati Paska. 22 Mutengenso nthambi ya chitsamba cha hisope, muchiviyike mʼmagazi amene mwawayika mʼbeseni ndipo muwaze ena mwa magaziwo pamwamba ndi mʼmbali mwa mphuthu za chitseko. Palibe aliyense wa inu amene adzatuluke mʼnyumba yake mpaka mmawa. 23 Pamene Yehova adzadutsa mʼdziko kudzakantha Aigupto, nʼkuona magazi pamwamba ndi mʼmbali mwa mphuthu za chitseko, Iye adzadutsa khomo limenelo ndipo sadzalola woonongayo kuti alowe mʼnyumba zanu kuti akukantheni.

24 “Muzimvera malamulo amenewa kwa muyaya, inu ndi zidzukulu zanu. 25 Mukakalowa mʼdziko limene Yehova adzakupatseni monga analonjeza, mukasunge mwambo umenewu. 26 Ndipo ana anu akakakufunsani kuti, ‘Mwambo umenewu ukutanthauza chiyani?’ 27 Inu mukawawuze kuti, ‘Ndi nsembe ya Paska ya Yehova, popeza pamene ankakantha nyumba za Aigupto anasiya nyumba zathu.’ ” Kenaka anthu anawerama napembedza. 28 Aisraeli anachita monga momwe Yehova analamulira Mose ndi Aaroni.

29 Pakati pa usiku Yehova anakantha ana onse oyamba kubadwa mʼdziko la Igupto, kuyambira woyamba kubadwa wa Farao, amene amakhala pa mpando waufumu wa Faraoyo, mpaka mwana woyamba kubadwa wa munthu amene anali mʼdzenje, pamodzinso ndi ana oyamba kubadwa a ziweto zawo. 30 Farao ndi nduna zake zonse ndiponso Aigupto onse anadzuka pakati pa usiku, ndipo kunali kulira kwakukulu mʼdziko lonse la Igupto, pakuti panalibe nyumba imene munalibe munthu wakufa.

Kutuluka kwa Aisraeli

31 Pakati pa usiku Farao anayitanitsa Mose ndi Aaroni ndipo anati, “Nyamukani! Asiyeni anthu anga, inu ndi Aisraeli! Pitani, kapembedzeni Yehova monga munapempha. 32 Tengani ziweto ndi ngʼombe zanu ndipo pitani kapembedzeni Mulungu wanu monga munanenera kuti ine ndidalitsike.”

33 Aigupto anawawumiriza anthuwo kuti atuluke mofulumira ndi kusiya dziko lawo. Iwo anati, “Ngati sitiwalola kutero, tonse tidzafa.” 34 Motero anthuwo ananyamula ufa wawo wopangira buledi asanathiremo yisiti ndipo anasenza pa mapewa awo pamodzi ndi zokandiramo buledi atazikulunga mu nsalu. 35 Aisraeli anachita monga anawawuzira Mose kuti apemphe kwa Aigupto zozikongoletsera zasiliva ndi zagolide ndi zovala. 36 Yehova anafewetsa mtima Aigupto kuti akomere mtima Aisraeliwo ndipo anawapatsa zimene anawapempha. Motero Aisraeli anawalanda zinthu Aigupto.

37 Aisraeli anayenda ulendo kuchokera ku Ramesesi mpaka kukafika ku Sukoti. Anthu aamuna oyenda pansi analipo 600,000 osawerengera akazi ndi ana. 38 Anthu enanso ambiri anapita nawo, kuphatikizanso gulu lalikulu la ziweto, mbuzi, nkhosa pamodzi ndi ngʼombe. 39 Iwo anapanga buledi wopanda yisiti ndi ufa umene anachoka nawo ku Igupto. Ufawo unalibe yisiti chifukwa anachita kuthamangitsidwa ku Igupto ndipo analibe nthawi yokonzera chakudya chawo.

40 Ndipo Aisraeli anakhala ku Igupto kwa zaka 430. 41 Pa tsiku lomwelo limene anakwanitsa zaka 430, magulu onse a Yehova anatuluka mʼdziko la Igupto. 42 Usiku wonse Yehova anachezera kutulutsa ana a Israeli mʼdziko la Igupto. Nʼchifukwa chake pa tsiku limeneli Aisraeli onse azichezera usiku wonse kulemekeza Mulungu kamba ka mibado yonse ya mʼtsogolo.

Lamulo la Paska

43 Yehova anati kwa Mose ndi Aaroni, “Malamulo a Paska ndi awa:

“Mlendo asadye Paska. 44 Kapolo aliyense amene munagula angadye ngati atayamba wachita mdulidwe. 45 Koma amene mukukhala naye kwa kanthawi kapena waganyu asadye Paska.

46 “Muzidyera Paska mʼnyumba imodzi. Musatulutse nyama iliyonse kunja kwa nyumba. Musaswe mafupa aliwonse. 47 Gulu lonse la Israeli lizichita mwambo wachikondwererochi.

48 “Ngati mlendo wokhala pakati panu angafune kuchita nawo mwambo wa chikondwerero cha Paska, cha Yehovachi, amuna onse a mʼnyumba mwake ayenera kuchita mdulidwe. Akatero muzimutenga ngati mbadwa pakati panu. Koma aliyense wosachita mdulidwe asadye Paska. 49 Lamulo limeneli likhudza mbadwa ngakhalenso alendo wochita mdulidwe wokhala pakati panu.

50 “Aisraeli onse anachita monga momwe Yehova analamulira Mose ndi Aaroni. 51 Ndipo tsiku lomwelo Yehova anatulutsa gulu lonse la ana a Israeli mʼdziko la Igupto.”

The Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread(A)

12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month is to be for you the first month,(B) the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb[a](C) for his family, one for each household.(D) If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor, having taken into account the number of people there are. You are to determine the amount of lamb needed in accordance with what each person will eat. The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect,(E) and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month,(F) when all the members of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight.(G) Then they are to take some of the blood(H) and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs. That same night(I) they are to eat the meat roasted(J) over the fire, along with bitter herbs,(K) and bread made without yeast.(L) Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water, but roast it over a fire—with the head, legs and internal organs.(M) 10 Do not leave any of it till morning;(N) if some is left till morning, you must burn it. 11 This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste;(O) it is the Lord’s Passover.(P)

12 “On that same night I will pass through(Q) Egypt and strike down(R) every firstborn(S) of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods(T) of Egypt. I am the Lord.(U) 13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over(V) you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.(W)

14 “This is a day you are to commemorate;(X) for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance.(Y) 15 For seven days you are to eat bread made without yeast.(Z) On the first day remove the yeast from your houses, for whoever eats anything with yeast in it from the first day through the seventh must be cut off(AA) from Israel. 16 On the first day hold a sacred assembly, and another one on the seventh day. Do no work(AB) at all on these days, except to prepare food for everyone to eat; that is all you may do.

17 “Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread,(AC) because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt.(AD) Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come.(AE) 18 In the first month(AF) you are to eat bread made without yeast, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day. 19 For seven days no yeast is to be found in your houses. And anyone, whether foreigner(AG) or native-born, who eats anything with yeast in it must be cut off(AH) from the community of Israel. 20 Eat nothing made with yeast. Wherever you live,(AI) you must eat unleavened bread.”(AJ)

21 Then Moses summoned all the elders of Israel and said to them, “Go at once and select the animals for your families and slaughter the Passover(AK) lamb. 22 Take a bunch of hyssop,(AL) dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood(AM) on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. None of you shall go out of the door of your house until morning. 23 When the Lord goes through the land to strike(AN) down the Egyptians, he will see the blood(AO) on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over(AP) that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer(AQ) to enter your houses and strike you down.

24 “Obey these instructions as a lasting ordinance(AR) for you and your descendants. 25 When you enter the land(AS) that the Lord will give you as he promised, observe this ceremony. 26 And when your children(AT) ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ 27 then tell them, ‘It is the Passover(AU) sacrifice to the Lord, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.’”(AV) Then the people bowed down and worshiped.(AW) 28 The Israelites did just what the Lord commanded(AX) Moses and Aaron.

29 At midnight(AY) the Lord(AZ) struck down all the firstborn(BA) in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock(BB) as well. 30 Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing(BC) in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead.

The Exodus

31 During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, worship(BD) the Lord as you have requested. 32 Take your flocks and herds,(BE) as you have said, and go. And also bless(BF) me.”

33 The Egyptians urged the people to hurry(BG) and leave(BH) the country. “For otherwise,” they said, “we will all die!”(BI) 34 So the people took their dough before the yeast was added, and carried it on their shoulders in kneading troughs(BJ) wrapped in clothing. 35 The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold(BK) and for clothing.(BL) 36 The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed(BM) toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered(BN) the Egyptians.

37 The Israelites journeyed from Rameses(BO) to Sukkoth.(BP) There were about six hundred thousand men(BQ) on foot, besides women and children. 38 Many other people(BR) went up with them, and also large droves of livestock, both flocks and herds. 39 With the dough the Israelites had brought from Egypt, they baked loaves of unleavened bread. The dough was without yeast because they had been driven out(BS) of Egypt and did not have time to prepare food for themselves.

40 Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt[b] was 430 years.(BT) 41 At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord’s divisions(BU) left Egypt.(BV) 42 Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.(BW)

Passover Restrictions

43 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “These are the regulations for the Passover meal:(BX)

“No foreigner(BY) may eat it. 44 Any slave you have bought may eat it after you have circumcised(BZ) him, 45 but a temporary resident or a hired worker(CA) may not eat it.

46 “It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones.(CB) 47 The whole community of Israel must celebrate it.

48 “A foreigner residing among you who wants to celebrate the Lord’s Passover must have all the males in his household circumcised; then he may take part like one born in the land.(CC) No uncircumcised(CD) male may eat it. 49 The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner(CE) residing among you.”

50 All the Israelites did just what the Lord had commanded(CF) Moses and Aaron. 51 And on that very day the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt(CG) by their divisions.(CH)


  1. Exodus 12:3 The Hebrew word can mean lamb or kid; also in verse 4.
  2. Exodus 12:40 Masoretic Text; Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint Egypt and Canaan