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The guards would then tell them to say “Shibboleth,” because they knew that people of Ephraim could say “Sibboleth,” but not “Shibboleth.”

If the man said “Sibboleth,” the guards would grab him and kill him right there. Altogether, 42,000 men from Ephraim were killed in the battle and at the Jordan.

Jephthah was a leader[a] of Israel for six years, before he died and was buried in his hometown Mizpah[b] in Gilead.


Ibzan, the next leader[c] of Israel, came from Bethlehem.

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  1. 12.7 leader: See 2.16 and the note there.
  2. 12.7 his hometown Mizpah: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  3. 12.8 leader: See 2.16 and the note there.

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