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The Temple Will Be Destroyed(A)

Some ·people [or of the disciples] were talking about the Temple and how it was ·decorated [adorned] with beautiful stones and gifts offered to God.

But Jesus said, “As for these things you are looking at, the ·time [days] will come when not one stone will be left on another. Every stone will be ·thrown [torn] down.”

They asked Jesus, “Teacher, when will these things happen? What will be the sign that they are about to take place?”

Jesus said, “·Be careful [Watch out] so you are not ·fooled [deceived; led astray]. [L For; Because] Many people will come in my name, saying, ‘I am ·the One [or he; C the Messiah]’ and, ‘The time ·has come [or is near]!’ But don’t follow them. When you hear about wars and ·riots [uprisings; insurrections], don’t be ·afraid [terrified], because these things must happen first, but the end will ·come later [not come immediately].”

10 Then he said to them, “Nations will ·fight [L rise up] against other nations, and kingdoms against other kingdoms. 11 In various places there will be great earthquakes, ·sicknesses [plagues; pestilences], and ·a lack of food [famines]. ·Fearful [Terrifying] events and great signs will come from heaven.

12 “But before all these things happen, people will ·arrest [seize; L lay their hands on] you and ·treat you cruelly [persecute you]. They will ·judge you in their [drag you into the; L hand you over to] synagogues and put you in jail and force you to stand before kings and governors, because ·you follow me [of your allegiance to me; L of my name]. 13 But this will give you an opportunity to ·tell [testify; bear witness] about me. 14 [L So; Therefore] ·Make up your minds [Resolve; L Put it in your hearts] not to ·worry [or rehearse] ahead of time about what you will say [12:11]. 15 [L For] I will give you ·the wisdom to say things [words and wisdom] that none of your enemies will be able to ·stand against [resist] or ·prove wrong [refute; contradict]. 16 Even your parents, brothers [and sisters], relatives, and friends will ·turn against you [betray you; L hand you over], and they will kill some of you. 17 All people will hate you because ·you follow me [L of my name]. 18 But ·none of these things can really harm you [L not a hair on your head will perish; C a metaphor for living forever with God]. 19 By ·continuing to have faith [your endurance/perseverance] you will ·save your lives [or gain/win your souls].

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The Temple Will Be Destroyed(A)

24 As Jesus left the Temple [courts] and was walking away, his ·followers [disciples] came up to ·show [point out to] him the Temple’s buildings. Jesus asked, “Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the truth, not one stone will be left on another. Every stone will be ·thrown [pulled; torn] down.”

Later, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, his ·followers [disciples] came to be alone with him. They said, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign ·that it is time for you to come again [of your coming/return] and ·for this age to end [the end/consummation of the age]?”

Jesus answered, “·Be careful [Watch out] that no one ·fools [misleads; deceives] you. Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the ·Christ [Messiah],’ and they will ·fool [mislead; deceive] many people. You will hear about wars and ·stories of wars that are coming [rumors/reports of wars], but don’t be ·afraid [alarmed]. These things must happen ·before the end comes [or but that is not yet the end]. Nations will ·fight [L rise up] against other nations, and kingdoms against other kingdoms. There will be ·times when there is no food for people to eat [famines], and there will be earthquakes in ·different [various] places. All these things are ·like the first pains when something new is about to be born [L the beginning of the birth pains].

“Then people will arrest you, hand you over to be ·hurt [persecuted; tortured], and kill you. ·They [The world; L All nations] will hate you because ·you believe in me [you follow me; L of my name]. 10 At that time, many will ·lose their faith [turn/fall away], and they will ·turn against [betray] each other and hate each other. 11 Many false prophets will ·come [appear; arise] and ·cause many people to believe lies [deceive many]. 12 There will be more and more ·evil [sin; lawlessness] in the world, so ·most people will stop showing their love for each other [L the love of many/most will grow cold]. 13 But those people who ·keep their faith [endure; stand firm; persevere] until the end will be saved. 14 ·The Good News [This Gospel] about God’s kingdom will be preached in all the world, [L as a testimony] to every nation. Then the end will come.

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The Temple Will Be Destroyed(A)

13 As Jesus was leaving the Temple (courts; complex), one of his ·followers [disciples] said to him, “Look, Teacher! ·How big the stones are! [L What stones!] ·How beautiful the buildings are! [L What buildings!]

Jesus said, “Do you see all these great buildings? Not one stone will be left on another. Every stone will be ·thrown [torn; pulled] down.”

Later, as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, ·opposite [across from] the Temple [complex], he was alone with Peter, James, John, and Andrew. They asked Jesus, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are going to ·happen [be accomplished/fulfilled]?”

Jesus began to answer them, “·Be careful [Watch out] that no one ·fools [deceives; misleads] you. Many people will come in my name, saying, ‘I am ·the One [or he; C Messiah or savior],’ and they will ·fool [deceive; mislead] many people. When you hear about wars and ·stories of wars that are coming [rumors/reports of wars], don’t be afraid. These things must happen ·before the end comes [but that is not yet the end]. Nations will ·fight [L rise up] against other nations, and kingdoms against other kingdoms. There will be earthquakes in ·different [various] places, and there will be ·times when there is no food for people to eat [famines]. These things are ·like the first pains when something new is about to be born [L the beginning of birth pains].

“You must ·be careful [watch out; be on guard]. People will arrest you and take you to ·court [local councils] and ·beat [flog] you in their synagogues. You will be forced to stand before governors and kings to ·tell them [testify; bear witness] about me, ·because you follow me [on account of me]. 10 But before these things happen, the ·Good News [Gospel] must be ·told [preached; proclaimed] to all ·people [nations]. 11 When you are arrested and ·judged [brought to trial], don’t worry ahead of time about what you should say. Say whatever is given you to say at that time, because it will not really be you speaking; it will be the Holy Spirit.

12 “Brothers will ·give [betray; hand over] their own brothers to ·be killed [death], and fathers will give their own children to ·be killed [death]. Children will ·fight [rebel; rise up] against their own parents and cause them to be put to death. 13 All people will hate you because ·you follow me [L of my name], but those people who ·keep their faith [endure; stand firm; persevere] until the end will be saved.

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