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A Davidic Song, when he was in the cave.[a] A prayer.

A Call to God for Help

142 My voice cries out to the Lord;
    my voice pleads for mercy to the Lord.
I pour out my complaint to him,
    telling him all of my troubles.
Though my spirit grows faint within me,
    you are aware of my path.
Wherever I go,
    they have hidden a trap for me.

I look to my right[b] and observe—
    no one is concerned about me.
There is nowhere I can go for refuge,
    and no one cares for me.

So I cry to you, Lord,
    declaring, “You are my refuge,
        my only[c] possession while I am on this earth.”[d]
Pay attention to my cry,
    for I have been brought very low.
Deliver me from my tormentors,
    for they are far too strong for me.
Break me out of this prison,
    so I can give thanks to your name.
The righteous will surround me,
    for you will deal generously with me.


  1. Psalm 142:1 cf. 1Sam 24:3-4
  2. Psalm 142:4 So LXX and DSS 11QPsa; MT reads Look to the right
  3. Psalm 142:5 The Heb. lacks only
  4. Psalm 142:5 Lit. possession in the land of the living