The Beast from the Sea

13 And the dragon stood on the sand of the [a]seashore.

Then I saw a (A)beast coming up out of the sea, having (B)ten horns and (C)seven heads, and on his horns were (D)ten crowns, and on his heads were (E)blasphemous names. And the beast that I saw was (F)like a leopard, and his feet were like those of (G)a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of (H)a lion. And the (I)dragon gave him his power and his (J)throne, and great authority. I saw one of his heads as if it had been [b]fatally wounded, and his (K)fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth (L)was amazed and followed after the beast; they worshiped the (M)dragon because he (N)gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “(O)Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?” A mouth was given to him (P)speaking [c]arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for (Q)forty-two months was given to him. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, (R)those who dwell in heaven.

It was also given to him to (S)make war with the [d]saints and to overcome them, and authority was given to him over (T)every tribe, people, language, and nation. All who (U)live on the earth will worship him, everyone (V)whose name has not been [e]written (W)since the foundation of the world in the (X)book of life of (Y)the Lamb who has been slaughtered. (Z)If anyone has an ear, let him hear. 10 (AA)If anyone [f]is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; (AB)if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is (AC)the [g]perseverance and the faith of the [h]saints.

The Beast from the Earth

11 Then (AD)I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had (AE)two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a (AF)dragon. 12 He (AG)exercises all the authority of the first beast [i](AH)in his presence. And he makes (AI)the earth and those who live on it (AJ)worship the first beast, whose (AK)fatal wound was healed. 13 He (AL)performs great signs, so that he even makes (AM)fire come down out of the sky to the earth in the presence of people. 14 And he (AN)deceives (AO)those who live on the earth because of (AP)the signs which it was given him to perform [j](AQ)in the presence of the beast, telling those who live on the earth to make an image to the beast who *had the (AR)wound of the sword and has come to life. 15 And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even [k]speak and cause (AS)all who do not (AT)worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 And he causes all, (AU)the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, [l]to be given a (AV)mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the (AW)mark, either (AX)the name of the beast or (AY)the number of his name. 18 (AZ)Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that (BA)of a [m]man; and his number is [n]six hundred and sixty-six.


  1. Revelation 13:1 Lit sea
  2. Revelation 13:3 Lit slaughtered to death
  3. Revelation 13:5 Lit great things
  4. Revelation 13:7 Lit holy ones; i.e., God’s people
  5. Revelation 13:8 Or written in the book...slain from the foundation of the world
  6. Revelation 13:10 Or leads into captivity
  7. Revelation 13:10 Or steadfastness
  8. Revelation 13:10 See note v 7
  9. Revelation 13:12 Or by his authority
  10. Revelation 13:14 Or by the authority of
  11. Revelation 13:15 One early ms speak, and he will cause
  12. Revelation 13:16 Lit so that they give them a mark
  13. Revelation 13:18 Or human
  14. Revelation 13:18 I.e., spelled out in Gr as 600 + 60 + 6; one early ms has the letters for 616

13 I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the blackness of the sea. On its horns hung ten crowns, and on its heads were inscribed blasphemous names. This beast was like a leopard, its feet were like the claws of a bear, and its mouth was like the jaws of a lion. The dragon bestowed it with his power and his throne and his great authority. One of the beast’s heads appeared to have suffered a fatal blow, but its mortal wound had somehow been healed. Amazed at the miracle and its power, all the earth followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast because of its power.

Earth: Who can match the beast? Who can fight against it?

The beast emerges from the murky waters resembling the dragon; but it has other features, too, that resemble the four beasts as described in Daniel 7. Daniel, in his visions, learns that the beasts represent the empires that terrorized Israel and the rest of the world: the Babylonians, Persians, Medes, and Greeks. Prophetic images are difficult to identify. The beast in John’s vision could be none other than the Roman Empire or another empire to come later. Rome has its own beastly authority, the Caesar, who demands worship. “Caesar is Lord,” they dare to claim. But John knows better. In every generation, powerful people and institutions arise—political predators that demand loyalty, sometimes even worship.

And the beast was given a mouth that bellowed arrogant boasts and uttered great blasphemies, and it was permitted to do what it willed for 42 months. Its mouth opened with a stream of insults against God, blaspheming His name, cursing His dwelling and those who live in heaven. Also it received permission to declare war against the saints and conquer them. Not a single nation, people, language, or ethnicity could escape its dominion. The inhabitants of the earth will worship it, that is, all those whose names have not been recorded before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered.

Let the person who is able to hear, listen carefully.

10 If someone is destined for captivity,
    a captive he will be.
If someone is destined [to die][a] by the sword,
    by the sword he will die.

The endurance and faithfulness of the saints will be tested here.

11 As I watched, I saw a second beast, this one rising up from the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it was speaking with the voice of a dragon.

The second beast, which later becomes “the false prophet,” has horns like the lamb; but its true nature is revealed in its dragon-like voice. Many pretenders and posers exist in the spiritual world. This new beast wants the world to believe it represents the True God, the only King worthy of worship. But it’s a deceiver, a counterfeit of the true King; it steals devotion away from the one true God, producing signs to dazzle the inhabitants of the earth.

12 This earth-beast exercises all of the authority given to it by the first beast, and it forces the earth and all its inhabitants to bow down and worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed. 13 And the earth-beast performs fantastic miracles. Like Elijah on Mount Carmel, it even causes fire to blaze down from heaven to earth for all to see. 14 Since it is allowed to perform these miracles in the presence of the first beast, the earth-beast deceives the inhabitants of the earth, commanding them to make an image of the first beast that had survived the mortal wound inflicted by the sword. 15 And the earth-beast was granted permission to breathe into the image and to animate it so that it could even speak. It decreed that those who refuse to worship the image of the first beast must be killed, 16 and the earth-beast mandates that all humans must carry a mark on their right hands or foreheads: both great and small, both rich and poor, both free and slave.

The beast demands worship and requires all to carry its mark. Those who don’t face severe punishment.

17 Those who do not carry this mark, that is, those who do not have the name of the first beast or the number representing its name inscribed on them, are not allowed to sell their wares or buy in the market.

18 Here is divine wisdom: let anyone who understands these mysteries figure out the number of the beast because it is the number of a person. Its number is 666.[b]


  1. 13:10 Other manuscripts read “to kill.”
  2. 13:18 Some manuscripts read 616.

The Beast out of the Sea

13 Then I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. It had seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns on its horns. And written on each head were names that blasphemed God. This beast looked like a leopard, but it had the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion! And the dragon gave the beast his own power and throne and great authority.

I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery—but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast. They worshiped the dragon for giving the beast such power, and they also worshiped the beast. “Who is as great as the beast?” they exclaimed. “Who is able to fight against him?”

Then the beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God. And he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for forty-two months. And he spoke terrible words of blasphemy against God, slandering his name and his dwelling—that is, those who dwell in heaven.[a] And the beast was allowed to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered before the world was made.[b]

Anyone with ears to hear
    should listen and understand.
10 Anyone who is destined for prison
    will be taken to prison.
Anyone destined to die by the sword
    will die by the sword.

This means that God’s holy people must endure persecution patiently and remain faithful.

The Beast out of the Earth

11 Then I saw another beast come up out of the earth. He had two horns like those of a lamb, but he spoke with the voice of a dragon. 12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast. And he required all the earth and its people to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 He did astounding miracles, even making fire flash down to earth from the sky while everyone was watching. 14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. 15 He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.

16 He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. 18 Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[c] His number is 666.[d]


  1. 13:6 Some manuscripts read and his dwelling and all who dwell in heaven.
  2. 13:8 Or not written in the Book of Life before the world was made—the Book that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered.
  3. 13:18a Or of humanity.
  4. 13:18b Some manuscripts read 616.