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Tuˈj Judas

Jun qˈolbˈil tuˈn Judas

Ayiˈn Judas, a titzˈin Santyaw, ex jun taqˈnil Jesucrist. Nxi ntzˈibˈinjiˈy uˈj luˈn kyeˈy, ayiˈy ma chi txokliˈy tuˈn qMan Dios, ex ma chi el paˈn tuˈn, tiˈj il, ex ma txjet kyanmiˈn tuˈn, tuˈn kyajbˈin te. Ex xqˈuqinqiˈy tuˈn Klolqe Jesús, tuˈn kymujbˈil kyibˈa tukˈa. Ax qMan Dios ktzajil qˈoˈnte nim tqˈaqˈbˈil tkˈuˈj kyeˈy, ex tkyaqil tnukˈbˈil, ex tuˈn tok kykˈuˈjlin kyibˈa kyxola.

Aye xnaqˈtzil sbˈulqe(A)

Ayiˈy werman, kˈuˈjlinqiˈy wuˈn, o nnaˈy toj wanmiˈn tuˈn t‑xi ntzˈibˈiˈn jun tqanil tiˈjjo kolbˈilqe qkyaqilx. Me atziˈn jaˈlin, ma tzul juntl tumil toj nnabˈla, a tuˈn il tiˈj tuˈn nkubˈsin nwutza kyeˈy, tuˈn tok tililxix kyuˈn, tuˈn mi tzˈele txaliliˈn kynimbˈila tiˈj Tyol qMan Dios, a xkyij tqˈoˈn qe te jun majx, a awo nimilqo. Quˈn ikytziˈn, iteˈ xjal n‑ok kyqˈoˈn kyibˈ nyakuj nimilqe; chebˈe ma chi okx kyxola sbˈul kyeˈy. Ayetzin wiq xjal luˈn, o chi yolajtz toj Tuˈjil Tyol Dios, qa te najinqe te jun majx. Aye xjal luˈn, mina nkubˈ nimin Dios kyuˈn, ex nya wen kybˈinchbˈin. Tzunxix nxi kyqˈmaˈn qa tuˈn nimilqo, ntiˈl qil twutz Dios; noq tuˈn t‑xtalbˈil, aku qo bˈinchin tkyaqil noq tzeˈn qaj, chi chiˈ. Mina ntzaj tchewil tkawbˈil qMan Dios kyiˈj, ex n‑el kyiˈjlin Jesucrist, a oˈkx qAjaw ex Klolqe te jun majx.

Atzin jaˈlin, waja tuˈn t‑xi nnaˈntla juntl majl kyeˈy tojjo uˈj luˈn, a ojtzqiˈn kyuˈn:

Tej kyetz tiˈn qAjaw tyajil Israel, a qxeˈchil, toj txˈotxˈ te Egipto, tkyaqil i etz, me tuˈn mix ok qeye kykˈuˈj tiˈj qMan Dios, nya tkyaqilx i klet; oˈkqexjo nimil, ayeˈ ok kyqˈuqbˈin kykˈuˈj tiˈj. Ex ayetziˈn mina, chebˈe kyij kyim tuˈn Dios.

Ex ikyxjo, bˈiˈn quˈn qa aye angel nya wen kyij kytzaqpiˈn kyoklin exjo kynajbˈil toj kyaˈj quˈn mina kubˈ kynimin Dios. Ex tuˈntzintzjo luˈn, i kyij tqˈoˈn Dios toj najin, ex i kyij tkˈloˈn tukˈa kuj kxbˈil te jun majx toj qxopin, ajxi tjapin nim qˈij te paˈbˈin. Ex ikyxjo, kynaˈntzintza kyiˈj xjal aj tnam Sodoma ex aj Gomorra, junx kyukˈa jniˈ xjal kyojjo txqantl muchˈ tnam kykˈatz. Ex i bˈinchin il, tzeˈnku kyej angel, tuˈnjo ẍi ok ten bˈinchil tkyaqil wiq il, ex i kyˈaˈjin kykyaqilx, ex ikyqex kye xjaljo xkubˈ kybˈinchin aj pajil; ichin tukˈa ichin ex qya tukˈa qya. Tuˈntzin tpajjo il luˈn, bˈeˈx i ja tyupin Diosjo tnam tukˈa qˈaqˈ. Atzin qˈaqˈ luˈn n‑ajbˈin te jun yekˈbˈil te qe jaˈlin, qa at jun najin tukˈa qˈaqˈ te jun majx te chojbˈil kye nchi bˈinchin il.

Exla qa bˈiˈnkye xjaljo luˈn kyuˈn, tiˈ bˈaj kyiˈjjo xjal ojtxe, exsin mina nkyij kytzaqpiˈn kyajbˈil nya wen. Ex nchi txalpaje toj kychwinqil, nyakuj noq nchi wutzkyˈin. Bˈaj kyyajin kychwinqil noq oˈkx tuˈn tajbˈil kyxmilil nya bˈaˈn. N‑el kyikyˈin tkawbˈil Dios, ex nchi yasin kyiˈjjo at kyoklin tuˈn Dios. Mikyxipe teˈ tnejil angel, Miyel, tqˈma, tej kyjaw chˈotj tukˈa tajaw il tiˈjjo t‑xmilil Moisés, a otaq kyim, ex mix kubˈe tqˈoˈne tkawbˈil tzeˈnku tajbˈil tiˈj tajaw il. Noq oˈkx xi tqˈmaˈn kyjaluˈn: Ala te qAjaw kxel kawin tey, chiˈ.

10 Qalaqetziˈn xjal kyxola, loqe nchi yolbˈin nya bˈaˈn tiˈjxjo a mina n‑el kynikyˈ te. Noq n‑ok kyuˈn, ex atziˈn a ojtzqiˈn kyuˈn qa nya wen, axixsin ncheˈxjo bˈinchilte, ikyqe tzeˈnqe txuk ntiˈ kynabˈl. Tuˈntzintzjo, chi xeˈltz toj najin te jun majx.

11 Bˈisbˈajilxla kye xjal luˈn, quˈn ma chi ok lipe bˈinchilte ikyxjo tzeˈnku tbˈinchbˈin Caín, a kubˈ tbˈyoˈn titzˈin. Ex ma chi el txalpaj toj kychwinqil, ikyxjo tzeˈnku te Balaam, noq tuˈn tkanbˈit kypwaq, me nya toj tumil. Ex tzeˈnku kyime Coré, teˈ tok meltzˈaj tiˈj tkawbˈil Dios, ikyqetzin xjal luˈn, kchi najil te jun majx. 12 Ayeqetziˈn xjal luˈn, nchi okx kyxola te elsil kytxˈixewa, tzeˈnku n‑ok tchmoˈn Ttanim Dios tibˈ, ex qa at jun nim waˈn nbˈaj. Aye xjal n‑ok kyqˈoˈn kyibˈ te nimil, me nya nimilqe. Noq nchi tzeˈn ex nchi xmayin kyiˈja. Noq nchi bˈet waˈl, ex mina n‑el kynikyˈ te, tzeˈn t‑xilin kychwinqil twutz qMan Dios. Oˈkx n‑ok tilil kyuˈn te kyex, ex ntiˈ nchi bˈisin tiˈj juntl. Ntiˈ tajbˈin, ikyxjo tzeˈnku muj ntiˈ jbˈal toj, ex bˈeˈx nxi tiqin kyqˈiqˈ. Ex aye xjal luˈn ikyqexjo tzeˈnqe tze nchi jatz xbˈoqit; nyakuj kabˈe maj nchi kyim: Tnejil, tuˈn ntiˈl kywutz n‑el, ex tkabˈ, ntzqij kylokˈ. Tuˈn ikyjo, kxel toj qˈaqˈ te jun majx. Ex ikyxjo ok chi xeˈljo xjal luˈn toj qˈaqˈ. 13 Ex aye xjal ikyqexjo tzeˈn aˈ te ttxuyil aˈ; aj tul pulj tukˈa tplutil nim tzˈil toj. Ikytziˈn kybˈinchbˈin xjal luˈn nya wen. Iky qe xjal luˈn tzeˈnku cheˈw ntzaj tzˈaq. N‑el yupj toj qxopin te jun majx.

14 A twuqin tyajil Adán, Enoc tbˈi, ok qˈoˈn toj twutz tuˈn Xewbˈaj Xjan kyiˈjjo xjal luˈn, ex kyij ttzˈibˈin kyjaluˈn: Kybˈintziˈn jaˈlin. Ma tzul te qAjaw junx kyukˈa Ttanim xjanxix, nimxixjo kybˈaj; nlay bˈant tajlet. 15 Tzul qAjaw qˈol chojbˈil te kykyaqilx, aj tjaw yupit jniˈ tnam twutz txˈotxˈ, tuˈn kykyij kykyaqiljo nya nimil toj najin te jun majx, noq tuˈn tpaj kybˈinchbˈin nya wen, ex tuˈn tpaj jniˈ xoˈj yol kyuˈn tiˈj Dios, chi Enoc.

16 Ikytziˈn, kchi okile xjaljo, a nchi ikyˈin, ex nchi yolbˈin, ex nchex kypoqin kyukˈa, quˈn noq nchi bˈinchin tzeˈn kyaj. Njaw kynimin kyibˈ, ex tbˈanilx n‑etz toj kytzi, tuˈn kyxmoxin xjal, noq tuˈn kykanbˈin jun tiˈ, tzeˈn kyaj.

Jun yol te kujsbˈil qkˈuˈj toj qnimbˈil

17 Ayetzin kyeˈ, werman, kˈuˈjlinqiˈy wuˈn, kynaˈntzjiˈy yol, a kyij kyqˈmaˈn tsanjil qAjaw Jesucrist ojtxe. 18 Chi chiˈ kyjaluˈn: Kyojjo qˈij, aj chˈixtaq tul qAjaw Jesús, kchi ul xjal xmayil tiˈj tkyaqiljo bˈaˈn, quˈn oˈkx nchi bˈinchin tiˈj alkye nya bˈaˈn, tzeˈnkux kyaj. 19 Ayetzin xjaljo luˈn, oˈkx kyajjo tuˈn kyyasin, ex tuˈn nkubˈ kypaˈn Ttanim Dios. Quˈn oˈkx nxi kyqˈoˈn ambˈil te kyajbˈil; ex tuˈn ikyjo, ntiˈ Xewbˈaj Xjan toj kyanmin.

20 Me metzin kyeˈ, werman, kˈuˈjlinqiˈy wuˈn, chi weˈxixa tojjo kynimbˈila, a xjanxix wen. Chi naˈn Diosa, tzeˈnxjo tajbˈil Xewbˈaj Xjan kyukˈiy. 21 Chi weˈxixa wen toj kynimbˈila, quˈn ma chi ok kˈuˈjlin tuˈn qMan Dios. Ex kyayoˈnkuxixa wen tukˈa tkyaqil kykˈuˈja, ajxi tul qAjaw Jesús, a ktzajil qˈoˈnte qchwinqil te jun majx, quˈn ma qˈaqˈin tkˈuˈj qiˈj.

22 At ilaˈ kyxola, a nkaˈmin kykˈuˈj tiˈj kynimbˈil. Kyqˈonk tilila, tuˈn tkubˈ tiˈj kynabˈl. Ex atx txqantl, ma chi el naj tiˈj kynimbˈil. 23 Tuˈnpetzintzjo luˈn, kux chi etz kyiˈn tojjo xnaqˈtzbˈil nya wen, quˈn ncheˈxxjal toj qˈaqˈ tuˈn. Ex qˈaqˈin kykˈuˈja tiˈj junjuntl aj il. Me kyikyˈimila ajo kybˈinchbˈin nya wen. Ten kyxobˈila, tuˈn mina cheˈx poqjiˈy kyxol, quˈn iky tteˈn luˈn tzeˈnku jun xbˈalin nyaj tuˈn tzˈil.

Jun yol tuˈn tjapin bˈajjo uˈj

24-25 Quˈn oˈkx te qMan Dios, at nimxix tnabˈl ex at nimxix tipin te klolqe, tuˈn tkyimlin Jesús, tuˈn mina qo kubˈe tzˈaq toj il. Ex axjo tipin luˈn, kxel qˈiˈnqe saqxix wen toj qchwinqil, ex tukˈa nim tzaljbˈil, ajxi qkanin twutz, a jaˈ taˈ nim tqoptzˈajiyil. Noqit nimxix toklin qMan Dios, nimxix tipin, ex nimxix tbˈi, texix kawil tibˈaj tkyaqil, atxix ojtxe, ex jaˈlin, ex te jun majx. Ikyxitjo.

Jude,(A) a servant of Jesus Christ(B) and a brother of James,

To those who have been called,(C) who are loved in God the Father and kept for[a] Jesus Christ:(D)

Mercy, peace(E) and love be yours in abundance.(F)

The Sin and Doom of Ungodly People

Dear friends,(G) although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share,(H) I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend(I) for the faith(J) that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.(K) For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about[b] long ago have secretly slipped in among you.(L) They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.(M)

Though you already know all this,(N) I want to remind you(O) that the Lord[c] at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe.(P) And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.(Q) In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah(R) and the surrounding towns(S) gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.(T)

In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings.(U) But even the archangel(V) Michael,(W) when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses,(X) did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”[d](Y) 10 Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them.(Z)

11 Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain;(AA) they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error;(AB) they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.(AC)

12 These people are blemishes at your love feasts,(AD) eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves.(AE) They are clouds without rain,(AF) blown along by the wind;(AG) autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted(AH)—twice dead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea,(AI) foaming up their shame;(AJ) wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.(AK)

14 Enoch,(AL) the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming(AM) with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones(AN) 15 to judge(AO) everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”[e](AP) 16 These people are grumblers(AQ) and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires;(AR) they boast(AS) about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.

A Call to Persevere

17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles(AT) of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.(AU) 18 They said to you, “In the last times(AV) there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.”(AW) 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.(AX)

20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up(AY) in your most holy faith(AZ) and praying in the Holy Spirit,(BA) 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait(BB) for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.(BC)

22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire;(BD) to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.[f](BE)


24 To him who is able(BF) to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence(BG) without fault(BH) and with great joy— 25 to the only God(BI) our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!(BJ) Amen.(BK)


  1. Jude 1:1 Or by; or in
  2. Jude 1:4 Or individuals who were marked out for condemnation
  3. Jude 1:5 Some early manuscripts Jesus
  4. Jude 1:9 Jude is alluding to the Jewish Testament of Moses (approximately the first century a.d.).
  5. Jude 1:15 From the Jewish First Book of Enoch (approximately the first century b.c.)
  6. Jude 1:23 The Greek manuscripts of these verses vary at several points.