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Tej tkubˈ bˈyoˈn Juan, a Jawsil Aˈ(A)

14  Kyojjo qˈij anetziˈn, bˈijte tqanil Jesús tuˈn Herodes, a tnejil kawil toj txˈotxˈ te Galiley. Tuˈnpetziˈn, xi tqˈmaˈn Herodes kye taqˈnil: Ala te Juan luˈn, ma jatz anqˈin kyxol kyimnin. Quˈn tiˈjkutziˈn, tbˈanilx tipin tuˈn tbˈant txqan tbˈanil techil tuˈn.

Otaq kux tjpuˈn Herodes Juan toj tze, kˈloˈntaq wen tukˈa kxbˈil, noq tuˈn tpaj Herodías, a t‑xuˈjil, a t‑xuˈjlbˈin Lip, a titzˈin, quˈn tuˈn xi tqˈmaˈn Juan te Herodes: Nya wen tuˈn tok mejeˈy tukˈa t‑xuˈjil titzˈiˈnch.

Tuˈnpetziˈn, tajtaq Herodes tuˈn tkubˈ tbˈyoˈn Juan, me tzaj t‑xobˈil kyexjal, quˈn tuˈn otaq tzˈok kyqˈonxjal Juan te yolil Tyol Dios.

Tej tel tabˈqˈe Herodes, kubˈ ikyˈsit jun nintz qˈij, ex atzin tal Herodías etz bˈixil kywutz kykyaqiljo txokenj. Ex bˈeˈx pon tkˈuˈj Herodes tiˈj, ex kubˈ tqˈmaˈn tbˈi Dios tiˈj tyol: Qanintza weˈy noq alkye taja, chiˈ te txin. Me a tnana xi qˈmante te, tiˈtaqjo tuˈn t‑xi tqanin: Qˈontzjiy twiˈ Juan, a Jawsil Aˈ, weˈy toj jun laq jaˈlinxix.

Tej tbˈinte Herodes ikyjo, bˈeˈx jaw bˈisin. Me quˈn tuˈn otaq kubˈ tqˈmaˈn tbˈi Dios tiˈj tyol, ex kywutz kykyaqiljo txokenj, qa akutaq txi tqˈoˈn noq alkyetaqjo tajjo txin, kubˈ t‑ximin qa iltaq tiˈj tuˈn tbˈajjo tyol. 10 Ex bˈeˈx xi tqˈmaˈn, tuˈn tel kˈuẍpit twiˈ Juan toj tze. 11 Exsin xi tqˈoˈntz twiˈ Juan toj jun laq te txin, tzeˈnkuxtaq otaq tqanin. Ex anteˈ txin bˈeˈx xi tqˈoˈn te tnana.

12 Me ayetziˈn t‑xnaqˈtzbˈin Juan i pon, ex xi kyiˈn t‑xmilil, tuˈn tkux muqet. Ex bˈeˈx i xiˈ qˈmalte te Jesús.

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John the Baptist Beheaded(A)

14 At that time Herod(B) the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus,(C) and he said to his attendants, “This is John the Baptist;(D) he has risen from the dead! That is why miraculous powers are at work in him.”

Now Herod had arrested John and bound him and put him in prison(E) because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife,(F) for John had been saying to him: “It is not lawful for you to have her.”(G) Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people, because they considered John a prophet.(H)

On Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias danced for the guests and pleased Herod so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.” The king was distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he ordered that her request be granted 10 and had John beheaded(I) in the prison. 11 His head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. 12 John’s disciples came and took his body and buried it.(J) Then they went and told Jesus.

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Tej t‑ximin Herodes tiˈj ankye teˈ Jesús(A)

Jotxjo a nyolajtztaq tiˈj Jesús, ex tiˈj tkyaqiljo nbˈanttaq tuˈn. Bˈeˈx bˈijte teˈ tuˈn Herodes, a nmaq kawiltaq, me mix elexix tnikyˈ te, quˈn ilaˈtaq nqˈmante a qa ataq Juan, a Jawsil Aˈ, otaq jatz itzˈje juntl majl. Ex iteˈtaqtl nchi qˈmante a qa ataqj Elías, a yolil Tyol Dios, otaq tzul juntl majl. Me iteˈtaq nchi qˈmante a qa jun qtzan yolil Tyol Diosjo otaq jaw anqˈin juntl majl. Me atzin te Herodes iky teˈ tqˈma kyjaluˈn: Nyatel te Juan, a Jawsil Aˈ, quˈn ayinku weˈ in xi qˈmante, tuˈn tel txˈemit teˈ twiˈ. ¿Me altzila kyeˈ xjaltz, a nimku nqˈumlajtz tiˈj? Tuˈn ikyjo, ok tqˈoˈn Herodes tilil, tuˈntzintla tiwle Jesús.

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Now Herod(A) the tetrarch heard about all that was going on. And he was perplexed because some were saying that John(B) had been raised from the dead,(C) others that Elijah had appeared,(D) and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had come back to life.(E) But Herod said, “I beheaded John. Who, then, is this I hear such things about?” And he tried to see him.(F)

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