Warren Wiersbe BE Bible Study Series – Psalm 2 Questions
Resources chevron-right Warren Wiersbe BE Bible Study Series chevron-right Psalm 2 Questions
Psalm 2 Questions

Psalm 2

  1. What evidence of rebellion against God do you see in international events? In national events? In local events? In the lives of your coworkers? How can you help reconcile at least one person to Christ?
  2. What do you learn from this psalm about God’s sovereignty? How does knowing God is sovereign help you face life’s challenges?

Psalms 3–4

  1. What do Psalms 3 and 4 have in common? Can you praise God even in difficult circumstances? If so, why? If not, why not?
  2. According to Psalm 4:1, David was desperate for God to answer his prayer. Why does God sometimes delay His answer to an urgent prayer? What helpful lessons have God’s delays taught you?

Psalms 5–6

  1. What is an imprecatory psalm? Should believers today offer imprecatory prayers? Why or why not?
  2. How should a believer’s life contrast with the life of an unbeliever?
  3. Have you ever felt that God deserted you? What did you later discover? How can suffering patiently strengthen your faith and enlarge your sphere of Christian influence?
  4. How can you be confident that God is steering even your harshest circumstances toward His ultimate goal for your life?

Psalms 7–8

  1. Have you ever been falsely accused? How did you respond? What advice can you give other falsely accused believers?
  2. What keeps God from snuffing out the rebellious today, once and for all?
  3. What does creation teach you about God? How does knowing that God created such a vast universe make you feel about His love for you, such a small “speck” on planet Earth?